Studying with a View


I took some time today to get out of my house. While I enjoy being able to do what I want when I want from home it can get a little boring.

So, today I decided to take my iPad and virtual classes and give myself an inspiring view.

studying with a view

It was colder outside than I normally want it to be if I’m going to stay in the elements so I sat in my car and got some work done. The picture from my phone has the day looking a little gloomier than it actually was, however, the winds were incredible. 260* at 12 gusting to 25.

My location was rewarded every so often with a takeoff.

Crosswind Analysis

I am a perpetual student, so I took the time to evaluate what the crosswind component was for the runways at KABQ. You can read about how to do this in more depth with my previous post on the Crosswind Component.

In order to do this you need the wind direction and speed and the runways directions.

I was sitting along runway 03-21 so we will use that runway for our calculations. 21 is the closest to the wind direction, and the active runway. With a 50* difference between the wind direction and the runway, crosswind is very important to prepare for.

50* difference and 12 gusting to 22 creates a crosswind of approximately 10 – 18 Knot crosswind. I’m glad I wasn’t flying as that is more than my current personal minimum is for crosswind.

What class are you taking?

For those of you who are more interested in what’s on my iPad, I am taking one of the King courses.

I am actively working on my Instrument rating. The first steps in that are to knock out some ground school courses. I have both the King and Sporty’s instrument courses. When I’m done going through both of them (because I’m crazy like that) and take and pass the written I’ll be writing a review blog post.

Score one for keeping on track with my goals for the year!

Have you found a good view to take some aviation classes? Show me your study view.

